The endless cavalcade of links continues with art by Martin Puryear, courtesy of the Does the amount of linking I do make each link the more trivial? This is something that concerns me. I should feed that data into Freebase or ManyEyes and chart it. And then make a chart of how fast/usefully I read that chart.
I'm basically at optimal functionality right now as an information processor as I surf the web. A combination of the right hardware (fast CPU and good keyboard and high-res monitor) and a lack of work and an attitude inclined toward superficial research (I am in school) has propelled me to at least twice my normal browsing/roving speed. I'm like a machine cow with 10 arms, 20 stomachs and a gut full of steroids ruminating across a lush meadow of ultimately lightweight feed. This blog is where I defecate/digest I suppose.
The last paragraphs courtesy, at least in part, to an over abundant diet of William Gibson during formative years.
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